As you might have noticed, I have abandoned a little bit this blog. No new entries, no new reviews and specially no new gunpla info. I have been quite busy dealing with my current life situation, so I have not had enough time for this blog. Furthermore, I have thought about to change its orientation.
Originally this blog was intended to post all news related to gunpla world, including assembling kits (PG, MG, NG, HG, FG, RG) completed Models (Robot Damashii, Metal Composite, Fix Figuration, and so), reviews from those ones and as much info as possible in order to keep people inform when would be available their favorite model and how it would be once on their hands. I tried so far to achieve that goal, but as other tasks were requiring my attention, I had to continuously diminish the amount of posted news, going from every single info I found to just the kits I considered the most important. The last days I end up just posting reviews about next MG, as Gundam 00 Raiser and Epyon, both models I was really looking forward to having.
Although I have the will of doing it, right now I can not continue keeping this blog as a source of information of new releases at real time (as soon as the info is leaked) so I will try to have a new vision of it. Most of time I posted something I did not have enough time to talk too much about it or just to give my opinion, something I was not to pleased with. From now on, I would like to post just about those items that catch my full attention, and try to give an objective point of view about it. For example MG Gundam 00 Seven Swords /G, what is a model that can not be ignore. In addition, as a Gunpla collector, I have some MG and HG which I have built my self, so that I know how far they can go in terms of posing, look, assembly difficulty, final satisfaction, and specially how good are they reproducing the spirit of the original one. I will try to use that knowledge in my own reviews, so that people looking for more details about one of those is able to have at least an extra opinion to hear from.
Those changes will not be immediate, moreover I do not know for certain when the next post will be ready, and that will be even more delayed that expected because I would like to renew a little bit this blog's appereance. Anyway, as soon as every thing is fixed and ready do not forget to check and comment, because this blog stands thanks to its readers.
Behold 00 Raiser's 1000 years of pain tecnique!